Speech and Language Therapy
For special needs in speech, language articulation challenges, difficulty eating and drinking, and social skills development.
When your child is diagnosed with a special need in speech or socialization, it’s easy to feel lost trying to understand what it all means. Our Speech Language Pathologists and Assistants are trained in a wide range of specialized areas to treat disabilities and challenges ranging from apraxia and fluency disorders to special cognition needs and conversation skills. We create custom care plans that address each child’s unique needs in a setting that works best for them.
Questions about a diagnosis?
Reach out and we'll help you understand what it means.
Assessment and Treatment
Evidence-based treatment from our team of speech-language pathologists can improve communication skills and quality of life for children with a variety of disorders including autism, language and voice disorders, and more. Treatment for social challenges include:
Making and keeping friends • Carrying on a conversation • Identifying and expressing feeling • Problem-solving or dealing with confrontation
Questions about a diagnosis?
Reach out and we'll help you understand what it means.
Accent Modification
Modifying an accent can benefit both professional and personal life by improving communication skills in Standard American English (SAE). We start with an evaluation of all areas of speech and develop an individualized training program to address your concerns and meet your speaking goals. Because everyone deserves to be heard and understood.
Questions about a diagnosis?
Reach out and we'll help you understand what it means.
Specialized Voice Team
Voice disorder present numerous speaking and communication challenges for both children and adults, ranging from hoarseness and breathiness to voice breaks, discomfort with voicing, and changes in vocal range. Our Specialized Voice Team employs research-based techniques and strategies to improve vocal health, help prevent future voice problems, help achieve preferred voice.
Questions about a diagnosis?
Reach out and we'll help you understand what it means.
Augmentative Alternative Communication
AAC, or Augmentative Alternative Communication, can come in many forms such as pictures, sign language, low tech options, or sophisticated speech generating devices. AAC can help individuals communicate and function independently that are otherwise unable to communicate verbally. It can be individualized to meet the specific needs of our clients and can change as communication improves. We have AAC specialists on site who can assess to determine if AAC is right for you and can also help navigate which type of AAC is best.
Questions about a diagnosis?
Reach out and we'll help you understand what it means.

Meet Our Speech & Language Leadership Team